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is an artist collective.


RAT Aerospace Technologies is an artist collective made up of several creators, with the common goal of making the world a better place for all.

RAT is built on a foundation of clear, accessible, and honest design. Art is for everyone, regardless of background. We work to create things that can be enjoyed by anyone without paywalls or restrictions.

Read our statement on accessibility in art.

What is RAT?

RAT Aerospace Technologies, as it is known today, was created as an inside joke. In July of 2020, our members decided we were due for a new name, and decided to ‘rebrand’ into sarcastic faux-corporatism.
Using a business name generator, we came across "RAT Aerospace" and began work on a logo. Mimi realized that adding the word ‘Technologies’ to the name could create a recursive acronym, and the rest is history.

At a point, RAT became more than a joke and took the form it holds today. The name RAT Aerospace Technologies became an artist collective; instead of holding a space for others and leaving ourselves behind, we made space for ourselves to create works beyond the bounds we had placed on them.

As we all exist in different fields, RAT is defined broadly as an ‘Artist Collective’ to allow our members to explore new skills without restriction. As our team has grown in skill and passion, RAT Aerospace Technologies has grown alongside us, and will continue to into the future. We’re so excited to share our work with you, and hope that it lives up to the hype.